Sunday 22 November 2009

Sweet Sixteen Character Notes

Liam - He does alot of bad things and breaks the law alot. He dreams of getting a caravan for his mum when she gets out of prison.

Pinball - Liam's best friend. He breaks the law and also does bad things.

Chantelle - Liam's sister. She helps him out and looks after Liam. She doesn't get on with their mum.

Liam's mum - She is in prison and sells the drugs that stan gets for her, to the women in the prison.

Liam's grandad - Doesn't really care about iam and doesn't like him. He helped Stan beat Liam.

Liam's mum's boyfriend - Stan is Liam's mum's boyfriend. He doesn't like Liam and is a drug dealer. He beat Liam up because he didnt't give his mum the drugs.

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