Wednesday 9 December 2009

Children of Men - Opening Scene Analysis

- The scene starts with off screen sound.
- Digetic sound
- News
- US
- Accent
- Loud
- Like a voiceover effect
- Radio effect
- Male & female - UK standard
- Sound bridge
analysis of a still of people gathered round in the cafe
- Utopia
- Dystopia
- people are all old
- all dark colours
- no distictive characters
- all looking at the same thing
- we can watch the tv too as one can be seen behind
- work clothes
- woman with dog
- cafe
- muted blue walls
- policeman - stereotypical
- like BNP
The rest of the sequence
- BBC style
- Visceral response
- woman holding arm that has been blown off
- shrieking
- ringing in ears - POV like you are actually there.

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